Source : Calm Photography Stock Photo

In a marriage there must be prewedding, where an important moment you with the bride. Which will be immortalized through photographs. Before you think to get there, it is good to determine the themes and concepts that will be used in the prewedding. In order to create a wonderful moment and expression.

Prewedding made more as a professional improvisation from saturation Wedding Photography usual. The process, lasting out door and in door. Performers (Bride & photographers) involved making certain concepts in specific locations so that the results can also be a work of art that combines many elements photo. Ranging from engineering the photo itself, wardrobe, and makeup so this wedding photos become more "talk" than the wedding photos before and do not need a lot of money to get these moments with your partner.

There are several examples of concept theme prewedding
  •     In Earlier Times Scene (Jadul)
         By selecting a historic relic of the Dutch or the other. Of course, also dressed In Earlier Times "oldschool". You and your spouse will look to show a different side. By using this concept, it can make your photo more beautiful prewedding.

  •  Casual Scene
         If you choose this theme, it is quite complicated, because we also have to look for other themes such as the color for consideration. Bias is advisable to use colors in harmony with your partner. As an example: the red color match combined with yellow, looked so united. Combine other elements such as property, background, place settings.
  •     Themes by hobby
          Surely each partner has their hobby. And in this happy moment, can channel his hobby to a theme prewedding. You and your partner will seem more natural and elegant. Because it can show the specific characteristics of each of his hobbies
  •      Formal Scene
         This theme is still widely used in the concept prewedding., Please wear a shirt full suit and the bride wore a white jacket "Wedding Clothes in general". A theme that is quite romantic and the hefty price is not expensive. Both of which look different by wearing wedding clothes.
  •     Themes by occupation or profession
        Your profession and your spouse can be also be used as a theme for prewedding, it will be impressed by the unique and interesting. Moreover, if both of them have the same profession. Will look natural and romantic.

All that will be created if you are really good at choosing wedding photography services that can embody the concept and theme that you want, do not easily choose a cheap budget. Investigate first professional performance and how the person is doing prewedding. If still in doubt see their works, if you are quite satisfied. Please negotiate the price and your desire to get beautiful moments as a couple will be met.

And to choose the professional then the right choice falls to us, namely Calm Photography, we will give you any Prewedding concept models and desire you, and we received input and discussion in completing what you want, Thank you.

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